Wow, I didn't realise just how much actual work went into Sweeney's party until it was over. Just getting the house and garden sorted, planning the food, thinking up who should come, that sort of thing. And all the while, the full-time job started ramping up to being more full-time than is really good for us, but it's an opportunity for some good work that I don't want to pass up.
We've had a bit of time to ooh and ahhh at some of the fab things people brought for Sweeney. Turns out we know some very cool, discerning people. Current fave is Marble Race. Sweeney and his Grandad set it up yesterday, and this morning Sweeney didn't even ask for cartoons over breakfast. He just tootled with Marble Race while he ate.
I call that a Result.

And here's Sweeney enjoying another of his presents - some weirdness called gelli baff. Honestly turned the bath to jelly, even smelled like raspberry. Sweeney was soooo excited until he got into it, then he wouldn't sit down for anything. After a little persuasion, he found that having it poured down his back was quite acceptable. Strangely, his buttocks were bright red after he got out of the bath, even though he didn't, not once, not even close, sit down in it.