Monday, 13 December 2010

Tell Me Why

Does my child choose to leave the house and enter society looking like this??Whyyyyyyy??? He promised he that he was putting on sandals, but when he came out of his room, he was wearing long socks and walkshorts. Good grief ...
I'd like to blame it on his recent lurgy, but no, he's actually a box of birds now. Fit as a flea. Enjoying the rudest of health.
As we walked along this morning, I realised his legs are all of a sudden about 10 feet long. Okay, maybe not 10 feet, but pretty long and even a little knobbly, as it happens.
And eating like he's starving to death. I got in this evening and he sidled up to me almost immediately with a three-pack of baked beans. Looking forward to when he can fix me a cocktail and sidle up to me with my slippers ...
In other news, yesterday was Kimberley's birthday, Dad made a lamb roast for her, Sweeney went to the cricket with his uncle Regan, and I vacuumed the floors and hosed down the steps. We set a cracking pace around here.


Miss Smith said...

Maybe he's getting set for a career working for the government? That's what we say when our wee ones insist on socks with sandals.

Amy Seven-Stitches said...

Congratulations, you have a 80 yr old man for a son. Though, he does appear to be missing his man-cardy.

heh heh, incidently, my Nana wouldn'tt let Granddad out of the house dressed like that because she was worried other women (read - Nanas) would be checking out his legs.

Mystic Thistle said...

Oh, but he's freaking adorable! My boys love to dress hideously as well. Makes me so proud.

Leonie said...

Because he's a boy, a kid and he just doesn't care??? Oh to have such a simple life :-)

SewSofie said...

Thanks for that pic. Made my day!

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