Sweeney's fresh back from two weeks in Christchurch with his Nana. Sounds to me like they had a fabulous time - reading books, watching Fantasia a bunch of times, gardening, going for outings, chatting, eating delicious food, and on and on and on ...
Meanwhile, I was here in Wellington, indulging in time to myself, which usually took the form of looking at things in shops on the way home from work, or hanging out with terrific people I don't see much. Or on one day, going back to bed with a great book, a pot of coffee and a pile of marmalade on toast. That was an ace day, to be sure.

And with his spots, he reckons he's "just like a cheetah, Mum".
He certainly can run fast, and for ages, these days.
In other news, what about that rugby, eh?? What about those enormous men swigging beer from that teensy tiny cup?? Always makes me laugh.
And I won $15 in the sweepstake at work, for Australia coming in third.
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