Tuesday, 30 June 2009
Hey Diddle Diddle
Monday, 29 June 2009
Hot Wheels
Our house is bursting with vehicles these days. I love all the little cars, and try to get in a little research so that I can identify the VW Safari as a VW Safari, and not a Hummer. That sort of thing. It's because of Hot Wheels that he goes nuts at certain cars in real life - VW Beetles, Hummers, old school Land Rovers and Jeeps. This morning we put the crane back together and Sweeney found the wrecking ball attachment, so we popped that on. Blissful.
Then it was time for Sweeney to finish his breakfast and get dressed and all of a sudden the "I can't" whiney stuff started, and I lost my cool in about a micronanosecond, and heard myself shout "Just do as I say" and he started crying. Now, I understand that the crying is more about him rebuffing me than being upset, and it's no different from him yelling at me, or running away from me. But we have a rule that Sweeney and I both talk about and agree is good for both of us - no hitting, no shouting - and I realised this morning that I've been shouting at least once a day for the last several days or so. Nothing ferocious, or abusive, or lasting longer than it takes to say something as abyss-forming as "Just do as I say". But still shouty and unpleasant.
So I just about did a little get-busy dance tonight when I held it together when Sweeney threw the usual wobbly at putting his jacket on before leaving preschool. And as we headed towards Martin's ward, and Sweeney insisted on stopping at all the inappropriate points he likes to stop at, and yelled at me and hit the deck when he couldn't reach the button on the lift, it occurred to me that Martin being sick again is now Doing My Head In, and I have to Do Something To Get My Head Back, because Sweeney's wearing it. So be aware, gentle readers, that I'm on the trail of what to do. I just don't expect it'll make good reading, so you'll likely never hear about this again.
In other news, we had a fiesta of cars after we got home, played some piano and tambourine, had a bath, then studied the Mini Cooper wrapping paper from Frank and Arthur. Turns out I can have the red one, Sweeney wants the orange one, Frank can have the yellow one and Arthur can choose from the blue or green ones. Blissful.
Saturday, 27 June 2009
This Monkey's Gone to Heaven
Today Sweeney and I hosted a party at our little house. I hope everyone had a good time. I really appreciate all the help I got from far and wide with getting food together, and Joe turning up unexpectedly to take Sweeney for a hot chocolate and a fitting for his bike helmet was most welcome - left the house free for pre-party vacuuming.
The impact of parenting mostly alone smacks me in the face from time to time. I didn't get much chance to take photos of the party. In fact, the best shots from yesterday and today were taken by other people using my camera while I scrambled around doing Party Admin stuff like finding drinks or counselling Sweeney to share.

Thanks, everybody!! Happy birthday, Sweeney!!
Friday, 26 June 2009
Off the Wall

Wednesday, 24 June 2009
General Electric
Monday, 22 June 2009
How Soon is Now

Sunday, 21 June 2009
Once, my sister and I were staying at our Nana's, and Mum packed up a bloom from the rose she and Dad had planted for me, and sent it in a parcel with some other nice treats. It's called Silver Lining.
I once went to a wedding that was held in the rose garden at the Botanic Gardens. In June, unfortunately, so there were acres and acres of dead-looking sticks in the background of every picture.
I'm not much of a rose fan, really. I only have two roses in my garden. At the front door is a Dublin Bay rose, a deep red climber that gets better every year. In the back garden is Dame Te Atairangikaahu, a purple heavily-scented bush rose. It's not done much so far. I bought it when the Maori Queen died.
I like going to the rose garden and smelling the old roses. I mean, the roses with that lovely real perfume that roses all seemed to have when we were kids. It's a powerful reminiscence tool for me.
I used to try making pot pourri but usually ended up with rotten rose petals. Then I realised I didn't much care for pot pourri anyway.
I always think it's somehow apt that an anagram of rose is sore.
Friday, 19 June 2009
Me Me Me Meme
What are you wearing today?
What's for dinner?
Tomato and rice soup, with homemade pita bread. Anticipating that Sweeney won't want it, so I have the fixings for vegemite sandwiches on standby.
What's the last thing you bought?
What are you listening to right now?
Arthur next door giving his mum his opinion about something, a tui nutting off in Geoff's eucalyptus tree, and the intermittent throaty rumble of a huge mulcher that's shredding one of No. 5's camellias.
If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be?
Phnom Penh - so long as by 'fully furnished', it means 'air conditioned and with a never-ending supply of cool drinks'.
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
Somewhere warmer than here, or Christchurch, to see my mum and dad.
Which language do you want to learn?
I have a smattering of te reo Māori, and would love to be fluent. And I've always wanted to understand more Latin.
What's your favorite quote (for now)?
I'll go tally the votes.
And Dad has a fearsome-sounding quote involving crutches, flames and Jesus that I always thought sounded dramatic and literary.
What is your favorite colour?
Red, rouge, whero.
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe?
A faux fur jacket I bought in a junk shop in Greymouth in the height of summer. I was pregnant, in a fug of morning sickness, and trying it on nearly made me faint. I first wore it on a freezing southerly Wellington day when Sweeney was about two weeks old, and I really needed to wear something that kept me warm when we went out, and made me feel like a human woman-not-sow again. Did the trick on both counts.
What is your dream job?
I don't really believe in dream jobs.
What's your favourite magazine?
Q Magazine
If you had £100 now, what would you spend it on?
A week of preschool fees, then plough the leftovers into, I don't know, going to a movie by myself during the day.
Describe your personal style?
I veer between Twisted Librarian - boots, A-line skirts and knits - and Slug - speaks for itself, really.
What are you going to do after this?
Go meet my agent at Mojo, and talk about myself for an hour.
What are your favourite films?
Slaves of New York, Do the Right Thing, Goodfellas and 24 Hour Party People.
What's your favourite fruit?
Fresh pineapple.
What inspires you?
Sweeney more than anything, people's ideas and achievements, nature, my friends and family .
Your favourite books?
White Noise, Scoop, Chemistry, The Vintner's Luck
Do you collect anything?
Meakin ceramics - especially Alfred Meakin, rather than JG Meakin. Patches for my camp blanket. And enormous clumps of dust in corners of the house.
What are you currently reading?
Still trundling through The Mayor of Casterbridge.
Go to your book shelf, take down the first book with a red spine you see, turn to page 26 and type out the first line:
"This account of Shaker behaviour could easily be describing meetings of the Quakers, properly known as the Society of Friends, nearly a century earlier.” It’s from Ann the Word, a biography of the woman who founded the Shakers. I was very interested in Shakers some years back.
What makes you follow a blog?
I like blogs that give me a sense that I'd actually like the person if I met them. Blogs that are written by people facing the same issues as me, or with the same interests as me. Or really deeply enmeshed in something completely foreign to me, like sci fi or plastics manufacture, or being Italian.
If you're reading this and you haven't already been tagged, consider it done!
Back on the Chain Gang
- Sweeney woke up one morning to find a mouse (dead) next to his bed, next to a leaf (also dead). We combined the two in a Death and the Maiden-type tableau. Sweeney really doesn't get death as a concept, I realise;
- Sweeney took his toy Man to preschool as his treasure, and talked about it to his chums at mat time. Man doesn't run or fly, he jumps. I looked at him critically for the first time, to discover he's simply covered in guns and ammo. I thought he was a scuba diver, but no ... Sweeney doesn't get violence as a concept;
- We had Delicious Dougal Dinner at the neighbours' house. Sweeney, Frank and Arthur hung out together in the nicest possible way;
- We had Martin over for dinner. Great to see him and Sweeney hanging out together, even though Martin's obviously terribly ill and trying very hard. Sweeney doesn't get chronic illness as a concept, either;
- We went to the M-Zs for dinner, which included the W-Ds and a couple of other lovely faces we haven't seen in a while. The other kids wanted to watch cartoons, but Sweeney wanted something more active - yay! - so he ended up playing cars with whichever adult would be lured to his car-orama he'd set up on the couch;
- I walked to Kelburn and back via Aro St. Just as the southerly and accompanying rain hit Wellington. After three days of unforecast gorgeous weather, the Met Service scored a goal;
- Sweeney helped me to clear every non-bedroom item out of my bedroom, and we spent Sunday having a picnic on the bed. Books, food, puzzles and Man. Lovely, sunny room; and
- I won a contest on Agnes' blog. I've never won any of those things before - still more yay!! And check out her blog - it's magnifique.
Sunday, 7 June 2009
The Book of Love(ly Food)

Friday, 5 June 2009