I figure I'll be looking at these things quite a bit for the next few weeks:

My telecommunications centre ....

My view ...

The stationery cupboard - more like a walk-in wardrobe ...

The only colourful thing in here ... 
The patch of afternoon sun where my feet go ...
In other news, I made it through today without a piece of chocolate caramel slice from Mr Bun. And you won't believe how good the fence is looking. Dad and Joe have been plugging away at it this week, and it's nearly there. Photographic evidence will be provided at the weekend.
And congrats, Sweeney's-cousin-Victoria, on your first game of netball going kind of entirely to plan. Rules are for amateurs!! Throw that ball wherever you feel like!!
And also congrats, Sweeney's-cousin-Katie, on emerging from the tyranny of 13 months of braces!! Nuggety!!